Monday 30 April 2012

Choices in Social Personality Development

There are various ways to establish your identity and social skills. One of your choices is to build your motivation so to have backbone to carry through the process of social and personality development. When the body and mind is stressed, it causes one to lose control and sight of his intentions to discover his identity. When you will notice that, you have developed a backbone it will lighten the load. Accordingly, you will develop confidence and self- control, which are the chief components for the self- development. 

By discovering methods that will provide and build positive energy, you can smoothly work through social and personality development. Sometimes to reduce stress and build energy we have to do something that we enjoy. Perhaps listening to favorite tunes will relax your mind. Do whatever it takes to encourage the body and mind to relax. Don’t get too relaxed, since you don’t want to move into a lazy mode. 

Laziness only robs you of identifying self and developing healthy social skills. Apart from developing strong discipline, it is also necessary to build self-awareness so as to have self-control over body and mind. We all need to build these innate qualities to manage the emotional responses that could lead us to disaster. One example of emotional response that holds people back is seen in the following sentence. Think of a time that you were discussing something with a friend or family member and you didn’t want to hear what they had to say. What was your response? You likely were emotionally charged. Did you act out in anger? Did you feel threatened and just suppressed your feelings? 

Keep thinking. Most of us, unless we are severely emotionally disassociated has acted out in some way that we regret later. Even though a person is severely emotionally disassociated, this person will still express emotions. Our response is what determines the consequences that will be charged of for responding in such a way. 

We need to develop self-awareness, as it is relevant to social and personality development. This is because loses sight of his own inner self and emotions, he cannot develop his entire human being. Self-alertness must be achieved by having an affirmative outlook towards life. It will help you take control of your emotions in almost every instance. 

In accord, the key to establish self-control is to gain knowledge of your weaknesses and strengths. This will assist you with social and personality development, which you will establish a higher quality results. Self-Control is essentially important to establish a distinct identity of the self. 

We all have inner strengths that help us to take control of our life. We also have choices, which enable us to decide what is best for our personal self. These choices are swayed by influences however, so we must develop self-awareness, control and self-discipline to make sure that influences will not deter our course in social and personality development. 

To check your weaknesses you can conduct a self-analysis. By examining the self, you will learn something new about you while developing new ideas. It will help you figure out what you must do to identify the self and cultivate your social skills. You want to climb that social ladder now, since the future is pushing all of us to strive toward complete development in order to maintain. 

The world is pushing us toward materials, so we must stay on track by constantly analyzing the inner self to make new discoveries. The new findings will direct you along the road that you must take in order to establish social and personality development. You have the power with in you to strengthen your weaknesses. Now is the time to get moving, since no man, woman or child knows what the future has in store.

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    Wednesday 25 April 2012

    Development thru Visualization and Affirmation

    Aim for Development thru Visualization and Affirmation 

    Aiming for development thru visualization and affirmation will ensure that you reach your goals with each step you take. In fact, visualization and affirmation can help develop skills that you can use to accomplish anything you set your mind to. You have the inner strength to move into the future, seeking a better tomorrow, so why not start visualizing what you can accomplish today. 

    It makes no sense to let our inner strengths go to waste. Sorry to say, but many people tend to let this happen. Many people sit on the settee watching soaps, drinking cocktails, eating popcorn and wasting priceless time. They could be out in the authentic world getting their groove on through exercise, goal affirmation, diet, self-development and visualization. 

    By learning the skills and practice to reach your goals, while relieving stress through meditation, one can center their attention on a brand new tomorrow. Meditating and focusing enables you to feel like the person you want to be. Success will come easier as you commence to make better decisions and smile more often. Make every effort to let stress go and to put action behind your goals. In fact, the bible tells us not to worry about the anxieties of the world. By letting the worries go, one can keep a mental image in your mind and on the future ahead. Of course, we all need to stay in the here and now, but it never hurts to visualize yourself looking into the future with a gold mine of achievement waiting at your entrance way. 

    In spite of everything, it takes you to make it happen. You want to tap into those inner strengths and find your weaknesses so that you can develop skills that help you to grow strong and healthy. Use your visualization by drawing mental pictures in your mind. Put yourself anywhere you want to be and then put forth some action to make it happen. 

    When a person can smile, they are showing their confidence to others. Most people will greet you with a smile. With constructive thinking, you will intensify your self-confidence for building energy through development in self-healing.  

    Life is too short to keep putting off self-development. As an alternative, take action today and use your visualization skills and affirmation abilities. You can visit the Internet to find ways to advance your skills, but it takes you to put forth the effort. Apply yourself today and live on cloud nine for tomorrow. 

    Meditation is one of the ways to working toward a positive tomorrow. Use meditation as a guide to help you conjure up mental images in your mind so that you can visualize yourself in a brighter future. Meditation is easy. If you syndicate or merge some of the newest Neurofeedback solutions to develop your meditative aptitude. You can improve your visualization and affirmation skills simultaneously as the Neurofeedback music and positive voice clears your mind, thus relaxing you for meditation. 

    Yoga is another great exercise that builds strength of mind and body. You can visit the global PC network to learn the steps for a healthier you. With yoga, you want to start out on a low scale and work your way up the hierarchy. When you stay on track, it keeps you listening carefully, paying attention to your inner needs. 

    Subliminal learning is another technique that could take a long time to work you from beginning to end self-development, but believe me; it is worth the time and effort you put into it. Aim for self-development through affirmation and visualization.

    Choices in Development thru Affirmation and Visualization 

    We all have to make choices in life. The problem is many people fail to think through problems in order to find the best solutions to resolve the issues. We must follow the critical thinking procedures that allow us to think through each problem we face. It builds our decision-making abilities. We can use the critical thinking process to solve problems, yet to make good decisions we must give additional forethought. We can use visualization to analyze the problem solving ability. 

    Making choices allows one to apply the model of solving problems. To become an effective decision-maker, use your critical thinking throughout the procedure and find the best choice. Evaluate your choices to consider, which solution is best used to solve your problems. Give some forethought to your choice before acting, since some issues we face takes longer time to resolve than other problems. You want to give much forethought while considering the new ideas your mind creates from your knowledge learned in the past. When you affirm and visualize that you have an active plan, execute the plan without hesitating. 

    It makes no sense to build a soundproof plan without putting the balls in motion. To make good decisions, consider the cause of each problem first. Once you find the cause, move to discover the effects. Weigh out the pros and cons to come across the best solution. Continue evaluating to find the pros and cons and the best solutions. Repeat the same steps until you feel confident that you have the best answer. Next, evaluate your solution. Weigh out the pros and cons again while evaluating the selected solution. 

    By repeating this procedure each time you need to make decisions, you can become a better decision-maker. Recollect that your decision is the eventual choice that you make, which produces positive results, or negative conclusions. The end verdict will decide the road that you will take. 

    For this reason, it is essential that we visualize our self-solving problems and making good decisions by analyzing the information our mind stores. Of course, you will make mistakes while you are building critical thinking and decision-making abilities, but you learn from your mistakes. Do not let them tear you down. Unconstructive thinking leads you nowhere. More willingly, negative thinking will direct you on a road of pessimistic with many problems trailing behind you. In time, you can build up self-destructive behaviours’, habits, thoughts and so forth. The repeated cycle will continue, until you decide to use your affirmation and visualization to take your mind back to a positive direction. 

    Using your critical thinking at the same time as following the steps to make better decisions is the start of maturing the mind. We all have inner strengths and must discover the self by continuing through the process of self-development. One of the best ways to discover your strengths is by figuring out your weaknesses. We are encouraged to do this throughout the process of self-development. 

    One of the most effective techniques that can assist you with creating effective visuals and affirmations is through writing. When you write down your thoughts and feelings, it often helps you to stay focus while visualizing what you feel. You can effectively find answers to your problems as well through writing. It will build you decision-making skills the more your practice. Recall, that we all make choices in life. Our choice is the final decision that determines our results. If you want to have good results, then you must work to develop the inner self through visualization and affirmation. It will only make you stronger.

    Tuesday 24 April 2012

    Self Mastery and Tools

    We all need tools in order to work on developing self-mastery skills. By finding the right tools we need, it enables us to continue working ahead without worrying about all the interruptions. It gives us strength and power we need to strive toward a better tomorrow. 

    We have a wide selection of tools to use in order to build self-mastery skills. You can visit the World Wide Net to find these tools. Look in the natural arena online to find the best solutions that work for you. If you find that one tool does not work, try another one. Continue to try the tools until you find what works best for you. Never let up! 

    Letting up only sits you back. You want to continue progressing throughout the self-mastery stages. Remember that this progression involves self-development. We all struggle through the process of self-development. 

    For this reason, schools are holding meetings, while the Internet is posting all sorts of information to help people take control of their life. Be a part of this revolutionary change that should have been a part of our life throughout our existence on earth. It is our responsibility to work through self-development throughout our life. 

    Visiting the Internet is the best place to find self-help tips, guides, and more. The Internet puts you in touch with many solutions and tools. Many of the techniques available are free. You simply follow the instructions and work them in the comfort of your home. 

    Some of the products available cost some money, yet these products maybe useful for helping you to attain your goal. Check out the natural selection of products online. Today, many videos, CDs, DVDs, and other products are available to help people expand their self-mastery skills. Some of the dynamic products blend teaching, self-healing, and other techniques together to help you grow. 

    The systematic videos capture the essences of teachings that will help lighten the load and help you find your being. It helps you to attain self-mastery abilities. 

    Each product is a learning experience that requires of you to continue working each day to expand your skills. Letting up holds you back and you will have to start from the beginning the next time you want to reach your goals. Continuing each day through self-mastery is the ticket that pays your way into grander rewards and benefits. It brings you true happiness, motivation, and self-respect. 

    The articles online offer you useful solutions for self-mastery as well. Be sure to read the many articles available to you. Be sure to find the magical benefits of healing. Self-healing is part of the self-mastery process that you must complete as well. You want to clear your mind of any negative reasons that hold you back from success. Negative feelings and thoughts, such as doubt, fear, anger, hate, et cetera are the leading cause of failure. 

    Turn your failure inside out and let positive thinking take over your life. Staying positive will guide you to the next steps to take in self-mastery. You can use some of the latest Neurofeedback, or biofeedback programs to help you build positive thinking skills. Use these skills – always – and in your best interest. Try to avoid any negative stumpers in order to stay in control of your emotions, mental processing, and your behaviors. IT is the true way to find success. 

    Other tools you might find interesting are the Radionics. Some of the natural techniques available to you will put you in touch with you. You can use many tools to build a relationship with the self and continue growing.

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    Culture in Self Insight and Professional Growth

    How culture factors into self-insight and your ability to work toward

    Professional growth ----
    Values and norms across cultures play a part in how one takes the lead. Given that there are three types of leaders, i.e. the autocratic, democratic, and the Laissez-Faire, we must analyze the types and learn how cultures play into these affairs. Greece or Hellas cultures tend to take the lead by aggressively telling others what to do. They tend to have a need to make all the decisions and prefer to have others below them. Japan cultures however tend to follow in accord with some of the leaders in England and the USA. These leaders tend to require that the subordinates help make decisions, prepare, plan, and set goals. 

    Studies of Hong Kong, China, and USA leaders showed that the leaders in America only care about the level of productivity, while the Chinamen care about balance and harmony. Keep this point in mind. China leaders have a better chance at reaching the top and getting more positive results than the American Managers who only care about money and success. Managers in Hong Kong tend to express a balance concern of first: harmonization – two – productivity – Given that these leaders balance their managerial concerns, we see that Hong Kong has some striking similarities to USA and Chinese managers. That is that share common denominators, yet they handle things difference. 

    Leader’s personality plays into his ability to take the lead and how he takes that lead. Based on the 5-Factor structural mode, flourishing or thriving leaders tend to portray high-extroverted qualities, such as sociability, supremacy, status-oriented, energetic, companionability, meticulousness, and pleasurable. The capable leaders have a friendly attitude. This attitude makes them influential, energetic, likable, hard workers, thoughtful, and easy to approach. 

    If you are using self-insight to build, professional skills take some notes because you want to understand leader types to decide the type of leader you may become. The unproductive leaders tend to set a bad impression to others. More often than not, this leader is egotistical, dishonest, self-centered, thoughtless or unsympathetic, and loud-mouthed. This type of leader is best described on a, psychosomatic analytic scale, as someone with a narcissistic personality type. 

    Typically, the world sees this type as the narcissistic type or generalization. This is someone that often oversimplifies things. We can analyze these aspects by considering situational characteristics that play as influences against competence. 
    This is a ratio between unambiguous administration styles, enthusiasm level, employees’ potentials, and scope of responsibilities mandatory to use self-sufficiency, resourcefulness, and the leader’s position within the chain of command. Produced-pressure and organization styles, as well as the scope of opposition taking place in the natural environment also factor into this reading. Virtuous or Honorable leaders tend to adapt to the circumstances. In other words, when task requires a different personality type, the leader will take on this role. Good leaders know when the best time to take action is, and will adjust accordingly. 

    When you use self-insight to create a good leader, keep in mind that styles matter, yet your way of adapting to various circumstances is what decides on the degree of professional growth you have acquired. Some people take many steps to reach the professional growth phase. Some people use meditation, self-talk, yoga, physical exercise, and other natural techniques to assist them with personal and professional growth. When you desire to be a true leader, implore to become someone that can take the lead, yet give others the room to take the lead too. Find your way by researching online.

    Behaviorism in Self Insight and Professional Development

    What is behaviorism and how does it affect one’s ability to work toward professional growth? 
    Behaviorism is a study in non-analytic psychology in which approaches are used during study to concentrate on exclusive observation and to measure and modify behaviors. Materialist is the philosophical theories that make statements in relation to the mind and mental processes or states and what they are truly about or can become. Behaviorist typically view behaviorism in many ways and will consider the perceptions that form. The experts use various approaches and techniques to study human behaviors. In this instance, psychology concentrates on fashionable observations that facilitate them to appraise and transform behaviors. To the materialist – truth-seeking spectator, behaviors are declaration of the mind and mental states, which something is authentic or potentially being true. 

    Centrally, Freud made some of the best points when he give a rough idea of behaviorism, which was announced in the psychodynamics and dynamics: Psychodynamics embroil the connections of emotional forces in which the emotions stimulate one to take action in a way that they may not usually conduct one self. This inner force derives from the subliminal system of the mind, which is generally referred as the subconscious mind. For a deeper understanding, one would have to probe into this mind to make new discoveries. 

    Rooted in the subconscious mind are divisions of our knowledge, recollections from precedent events, experiences, and so forth. Understandably, if you make a mental note of this district of the mind you will find that it has hidden messages that can impel you to discover ways to understand, acknowledge and find productive ways to reform or restructure your thinking and behavior, you would appreciate that this has all to do with the way one behaves. In spite of everything, it does not surge into the theoretical grounds, which are the original central theme of forming behaviors, thoughts, and so forth. As said by (Nichols, 1972), the “silent, cataleptic dialogue” flood from our “higher-sense-perception” (HSP) and the experiences in which are “testimony, it becomes apparent that a soundless exchange of ideas (unconscious conversation) goes on biologically” in the midst of the “higher self,” and with others. Nichols tells us “if this silent, communication come to pass at the height of conscious knowledge, it may come as an extrasensory perception, metavision, thought transference, metaudition, or presentiment. In spite of that what does this have to do with the problems in the administrative center? 

    Behaviorism affects our life, which if one has some faulty behaviors it could make it difficult to advance toward professional growth. Using your self-insight you can reflect on how you view yourself and work to make necessary changes to reform your behaviors and thinking. This will move you closer to professional growth. 

    When you take action, it helps you to make the adjustments you need to improve your skills. This is what professional growth is all about, self-improvement. If you want to get on the road to success, you must take action and work hard each day until you reach your goal. Keep in mind however, that professional growth is a lifelong adventure and you must stay on track. 

    Because behaviorists and materialist as well as many others are centering their attention on professional growth, this is becoming one of the most needed elements in our life. Due to technology advancements taking place each day, it is also required that we all advance toward professional growth. Use the Internet to learn more about behaviorism, professional growth; and how to use self-insight to make it happen. Get started today.

    Examining Self Insight and Professional Growth

    Have you ever taken a long look in the mirror to see what you see? Well we all have at one time or another, while looking at your self your looking with in your self this could be you trying to find answer to a problem that you have been able to find the answers to or maybe you just want to be able to find who you want to be. There is no reason for you to feel sad or embarrassed by this we all have done it in our time it normal. We must all dig deep within our self in order to find answers that help us to improve our quality of life.  

    For some of us that want to make something with our life’s there are some things that we have to do, in order to be able to find our self we have to be able to understand the ways that we are thinking as well as feeling. So am going to talk about three main ways that we find who and what we are.

     The first thing is self-examine this is where you go and do some soul searching and be able to find your self. Once you figured out how to self-examine, your self then you can move to the other areas like meditation this is where you learn to empty your mind and learn to relax your body. This will make it easier to be able to think more clearly as well as be able to make up your mind up with a clear out look in things; you can learn this task from books in your local stores or your local library.  

    Mediation is a self-teaching course if you use it in the right way it will help you when it comes to problems that you used to have a hard time dealing with it will be easier. Now you have to remember that you cannot learn this over night so take your time and really learn this as well as understand it, things will come to you more natural then before when it comes to problem solving or just be able to work out the ends of what may be upsetting you.

    Subliminal learning is also a good thing to know how to use it or to be able to use it. We can use techniques, such as probing into the mind to study past events, experiences, and knowledge to see if anything is available to expand our growth.  Learning from your past is very important.

    You will also have to have good self-esteem in order to learn. So try to have good self-esteem when learning new things. Having a positive out look on things will help you as well. Having good self-esteem will make it easier for you to learn how to make the right discussions in life. Having good self-esteem will also make you feel better about your self. When you feel good about your self, life goes a lot easier for you.

    Once you have learned all these little things then you will be able to think more clearly as well as to be able to make you your mind on what and how you want to learn and to become more professional with your learning tasks. Becoming a professional is one thing but to be able to use it wisely in the work field is another thing so all this goes together hand in hand, once you have learned this, your profession will come to you. Right alone with the other entire task your going to learn. You will learn a lot though out your life so why not learn the right way and get all you can get out of.

    The SECRET Is Out!

    Self Mastery3

    Effective Conscious and Self Mastery 

    Sometimes you have to make positive adjustments to retrain your mind so that you can make room for self-mastery development. 

    Sometimes you have to take control of your life by probing into your own mind and to find the answers that help you develop self-mastery skills. 

    With low self-development skills, we tend to fail in thriving on stress that can be harmful to our performance and success in life. Sometimes you have to rethink your thinking in order to reprogram your mind to think positive. When you can think positive, it helps you to find ways to reform your thinking and take control of your life. 

    Use meditation in focusing to start digging and cleaning up the subliminal mind thoughts.  Write each one down as you dig so you can work on the changes that need to be made for the future.  Don’t let these thoughts control your digging, to stress you even more; stay focused until you reach the bottom.

    By digging with a focused mind, making changes will be easier.  When you write them down it is bring the negative thoughts out to start the process of reprogramming.  Once you’ve dug down and found them write down goals with the changes you need in turning them to positive gold thoughts.

    Go over and reread you new thoughts often to help keep you mind thinking positive.  Every time something negative slips in while making your changes stop and focus to rethink positive.  By reminding yourself often of the goals you’ve decided to reach, you’ll be able to reprogram your mind and brain to act in a positive way. 

    Reprogramming yourself to think positive will help you to strengthen the effective conscious and self-development to give you success.  When we relieve stress by focusing on each one separately with goals we grow stronger in making better decisions with a winning attitude.

    Using meditation skills such as focusing to relax on each decision will give you power with new development skills.  As you begin to notice things are, looking up in your world you’ll have more confidence in yourself.

    Meditation is similar to Yoga that will help you relax for more energy and control of the way you live and perform.  Yoga will teach you to breathe slow and deep for relaxing when making difficult decision with stress.  As you relax, you’ll find focusing is easier and more successful in the end.

    Don’t expect a miracle overnight when practicing meditation for growing in effective conscious and self-mastery skills. You need to give you time to grow and practice the skills each day to make the changes that you need to take control of your life. 

    You probably won’t notice any changes in your performance right way.  Other people will notice and like the new person in you before you will.  As you learn to focus and relax, your communication skills will increase letting you carry on conservation with skill and confidence.  Don’t be afraid to say how you feel by giving your opinions with ease.  

    Your vocabulary will increase letting you say new things in a way that is interesting for others to listen to.  When we learn to relax and focus, we can express ourselves in a completely different way that others will listen to. When you build self-mastery skills, you will make new friends that will feel empowered by your changes. They will likely follow you to the road of success. 

    When you build strength, it makes it easier to take control of your mind by using self-mastery skills. It drives you to a better future.


    How to expand the OCEAN through self-mastery 

    Changes that occur because of maturity development and learning; we learn through the expansion of our knowledge, understanding, and many experts has proven that unremitting reading can expand these skills and abilities. Through remitting learning individuals, mature by expanding their comprehension. Expanding one’s comprehension can help individuals to learn more effectively. 

    Through learning, we mature and build self-mastery skills and abilities, so obviously learning are the essential key that will help one to expand their self-mastery skills and abilities. Learning is essential, since we learn from observation. Observational learning is the process that helps one to learn and reproduce behaviors that are exhibited in role models that one may mock. On the other hand, part of the maturity processes is biological, so we must consider the natural and genetic processes as well. Looking at the natural perspectives, maturity, self-development, and self-mastery takes the lead over learning, but on the psychological perception, learning takes the lead over maturation. 

    We can assess the “Five Factor Model of Personality”? By assessing these factors, one can discover the most essential factors, and the least important factors. As indicated by writer of Psychology, chapter 12, pg. 442 - the factors are diverse, Western tells us “theorists label” the five factors differently, yet the “lists are remarkably unswerving.” The identifying marks spell OCEAN, e.g. “openness, to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.” (OCEAN) 

    Openness, consciousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism blend to create the five factors in which these factors represent the combination of the several more detailed behaviors:” and that some take for granted that the most important factor is the “individual differences,” that appears in language. Pg. 442 

    Each of us can decide which factors are most essential for us to work through self-mastery. According to some opinions Openness is the Fantasy or “active fantasy life pg. 442 – ideas is the most important Experience – Highly important as it is the way we learn. Conscientiousness- Competence – determines the level of proactive abilities – deliberation - Extroversion- Positive Emotion – least excitement seeker Agreeableness – trust – least – tenderness - Neuroticism – least important and should avoid the negative – 
    So, how do we blend the five factors in to a bulletproof solution that helps one to develop self-mastery skills and abilities? We consider the factors first, and equate the needs of human beings to consider what we must expand first. 

    OCEAN Broken down: 
    Openness – means honesty, directness, sincerity, and the opposite is reticence. If one has reticence traits, thus this person must work toward developing openness by considering his or her experiences. Thus, working toward openness is the first step to building self-mastery skills. On the other hand, to manipulate the mind and work to openness, one has to stay aware of his or her actions and thoughts, feelings, et cetera. This requires building consciousness. So what do you do? You build awareness first obviously, but you must integrate the processes of building openness into your schemes. Extroversion – if you are isolated and have anti-social behaviors then you must develop sociability skills by learning to associate with positive influences. This step will help you with the processes of building self-mastery skills by expanding your openness and consciousness. The body and mind was work in union, thus you will need to balance the mind and body to achieve this level of understanding. Because neuroticism are affects caused by characteristics of psychological disorders, such as depression, hypochondria, or anxiety, you will need to eliminate this potential causes to work on openness, consciousness, extroversion, agreeableness, et cetera. We see that we have to work on all factors simultaneously in order to move through self-mastery development. 

    Self Mastery1

    Awareness in Self Mastery 

    Consciousness is one’s responsiveness, or ability to recognize something. The brain has three levels of networks, which comprise of the cognizant, sub conscious and unconscious mind. The cognizant or conscious mind encloses information in which it travels to the short and long-term memory. The long-term memory is segments of one’s memory that retains experiences permanently, whereas the short-term memory only stores memory temporary in parts of the mind. 

    The subliminal or sub conscious mind contains all the information we have obtained throughout our lifespan. All that we see, hear, smell, touch, learn, or experience is retained in this vicinity of the brain. This quarter of the brain contains undisclosed messages in which it will expose when a memory starts to develop in fragments. The unconscious (automatic) mind is where our self, individuality works instinctively. Some theorists deem the unconscious mind as the inadvertent mind. This is because some behaviors we display are unintentionally acted upon by signals we receive from the unconscious mind. Behaviors are physical actions, such as reacting to some thought. For instance, you may think of buying a bathtub, yet until you have purchased the tub, you have not shown any behavioral reactions from your thoughts. 

    Self-mastery is a process that requires that we use all areas of the mind to obtain our goal in building mental, physical, and emotional strength. Consciousness brings us to realization. It relates to the physical body, simply because when some force whether seen or unseen triggers the emotions, thus mental processes develop, which reflect on one’s behaviors. 

    Because our mind works in several ways, one must wonder if it transcends any physical reactions of the body by receiving signals from the nervous system. Along these lines, an entity would have to appreciate that the brain and nervous system works in harmony. Learning about the anatomy is a great way to decide how the mind works with the nervous system – and how it can help you expand self-mastery skills. 

    The anatomy framework –
    The neuron, or nerve cells have a shared purposeful element in which consist of cell bodies, such as dendrites (The branched extensions of nerve cells) – axon [Extensions of nerve cells) – and these cell bodies border myelin sheath, or the nerve-insulated layers of myelin. The neurons conduct impulses in which these impulses feed and transmit to the synapse (gap amid nerve endings) and then to the muscles – glands and the organs. 

    Our anatomy makes up neurotransmitters. These transmitters act to produce serotonin, (chemicals that derive from amino acid tryptophan and distributes widely to the tissues) which also helps to constrict blood vessels at the injury sites, and can affect the emotional state. This is important if you are working on self-mastery skills, since self-mastery is the process of taking control of your emotions. Our anatomy makes up acetylcholine, (Transmitters of nerve impulses) dopamine, (Chemical compound in the brain) endorphins, norepinephrine, gamma – aminoburytic acid, etc. It helps to conduct the impulses from corner to corner to the synapse. 

    The CNS (Central Nervous System) links to the brain and the spinal cord in which the nervous system controls our frontal, parietal, temporal, and the occipital lobes at the front of the brain. Each of these lobes serve to signal and cause reactions to either allocate one to perform mentally, exploit motor skills, feel, hear, smell, taste, and so forth. 

    Descartes supposed, “That the mind could have a direct influence on the body.” He pointed out that our decisions “to improve our health causes us to exercise.” If you think about it, the mind will also draw up negativity to encourage you to find every reason why you shouldn’t exercise. Descartes stated, “The body could have a direct influence on the mind.”

    Whats new

    Welcome to our social development blog. You will find lots in the contents menu for all social development subject's. I hope you enjoy and find something that can help you the reader. 

    Here are just a few of the area's i will be talking about. 

    • Self Organization
    • Perseverance
    • Self success
    • Self-Insight
    • Awareness & Self Determination

    There will be more, these are what we will be talking about at the moment. As this blog grow's there will be more field's of interest added.