Friday 16 November 2012

Ill minds think alike

Some people believe that mental illnesses are all the same. If you are diagnosed with a mental illness then not to worry because everyone else diagnosed is just like you. This is far removed from reality and the truth. What is so ironic is the same people that are saying this (is often ill them self) will often say something to the affect when a murder takes place. ‘He is a psychopathic or sociopath. Yet the neighbor down the road who visits every day has a mental illness and when this person visits, or the therapist is overwrought. You do not have a mental illness you have problems like the rest of us. This is easier to accept than believing that a person has a mental illness. This is nuts, since it is only contributing to the problem. The problem with the world is all the people seeking help are doing their job and the people that are making excuses or in denial of mental health, illness existence is in serious need of help. For example if Johnny visits a counselor knowing that something is not right, he is asking for help. On the other hand if that person sitting at the table telling the neighbor nothing is wrong, and claims that seeing a counselor is only spending money, then guess who is in real need of help. The person that does not go to a counselor or ask someone in the world for help is the person that mentally ill more so than the common mental ill. Mental is nothing to play around with, and since we are all different it can be complicated to determine who is ill. I have watched as countless of patients went to mental health experts and watched them continue to suffer although they worked hard with the counselor to find a resolve. The problem is that mental healths experts are more concerned about money than the patients are most time, and believe they know it all and the patient knows nothing most all the time. Many therapists are in this field of expertise and if you did a background check on the professional, you are probably going to see this person is a mental health potential or skip out as well. It does not take a genius to understand mental health, but it takes many idiots to tangle the webs of darkness. In most instances, mentally ill patients are brilliant individuals that have difficulty managing their lives due to frequent interruptions. Most all the patients that go to mental health experts can talk about their problems freely searching for answers to survive. The problem is (between the lines of communication) lies a fountain of information that can help both the patient and the counselor, but too many times the counselors are entangled in their own webs, they miss out on the benefits of helping another person out. Personally, I spent 25 years in counselor with no results up until the last three years and then I was working harder than the counselor to resolve my own problems was. She was doing a portion of her job, but my strategies were succeeding hers, and I left her behind. Now, if you see what I am saying then you will know that anyone with a mental illness has more of an answer than over half of the professionals in the world. If you have, experience and they have a piece of paper without experience, who knows more? I often have more compassion for mentally ill patients, than I have for the so-called normal and professionals of the world. I have watched many suffering after begging practically for help, and very little result came from it all. I watched as many counselors blamed the patient for the failure, but in all truths, they had a responsibility in this as well. Most counselors are in denial which is a mental health issue, and many people in many professions are in denial, and this my friend is a major cause for mental health issues around the world. Ill minds think alike because someone is influenced while the other source is influencing.

Cognitive mental health disorders

Therapists around the globe are constantly searching for answers that help them understand mental illnesses. Cognitive disorders including, dementia, delirium, alcohol-induced disorders, and other related disorders are under constant studies. Most cognitive disorders listed in this article have classic denominators, including loss of memory. Most of the diagnoses are linked to disease of the brain or biological disease, or else alcoholism and related chemicals. Often people with cognitive disorders have difficulty with speech, including relating with others, and reasoning. Their judgment is often affected, and their ability to recognize is often comprehended differently than the normal mind. Often the patients suffer depression, irritation, paranoia, and other related symptoms that could easily be misdiagnosed, since bipolar has similar characteristic symptoms. Delirium includes symptoms that target the awareness, signals confusion, effects speech, loss of memory, imposes fear, stems depression, and many other symptoms that affect the patient. Physical symptoms also insult the patient. Increased heart rate, disturbance in sleep, nausea, and many other physical symptoms make it difficult for the patient to find comfort. Recent studies have shown however that medications can increase symptoms in the disorder, including strokes, heart attacks, imbalances and so forth. Dementia is a type of Alzheimer disease that causes the patient to lose memory, learning inabilities, language impairments, and so forth. AIDS stokes, heart failures, and other chronic problems may cause a person to suffer dementia. People that suffer dementia may personal hygiene incapacities, poor judgment, avoidance, personality altering, and so forth. The diagnoses can be misconstrued for several disorders, including major depressive. It is important to avoid alcohol if you are suffering with any symptoms of mental illness. Alcohol only increases the symptoms interruptions and causes more harm to the patient. Many mental ill patients will resort to alcohol and/or drugs to find a source of relief from their suffering. This is not the solution and should be avoided at all cost. Alcohol-induced disorders are classified in cognitive disorders simply because the symptoms are related, and many of the diagnoses are a direct result of substances in many cases. This is not true of all mentally ill patients. Therapists have treated many patients that have never touched alcohol or drugs. Although many counselors will try to find this as an excuse to eliminate the worst-case scenario. Alcohol induced disorders are also known as ‘Korsakoff’s Syndrome,” which affects the memory directly. Symptoms often include memory loss, denial, indifferences, sometimes-violent behaviors, and so forth. Most alcoholic or drug patients are direct link nutritional deficiencies, which often include B-Complex. It is often difficult to treat alcoholism, however it is possible. It takes the person to will their self free of the substances, acceptance is the beginning of recovery. Many patients that are alcoholics or addicts sometimes treated with medications for physical impairments. I have acknowledged obsessive medicinal deliveries, and often the medicines that are provided to the patient with trigger the alcoholism symptoms. High dosage of B-Complex is often given to patients in extensive outpatient/inpatient therapy where alcohol and drugs are the problem. If the patient is at an early stage then it is possible to treat the patient affectively. Nowadays alcoholism is affecting children, and it is time that we take a step to stop the increase of alcoholism and drug addictions, before it is too late. Therapists are constantly searching for a way to resolve the many mental illnesses today. As they study, they are finding that more problems are out there and it only slows them down, since when they find new discoveries they focus on this problem, pushing the other diagnoses to the back momentarily or else linking them together. Mental illness whether it be alcoholism or other diagnoses is not a game. There are millions of people around the globe suffering everyday and are rarely receiving the care they deserve. We all people and all of us deserve care, including (if not more so) those with mental illnesses. In the next article, we are going to discuss more severe disorders, including antisocial behaviors, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, schizoid, schizotypal, and so forth. I think it is important that we all have a basic knowledge of the many diagnoses in the world. Having a basic knowledge can help us to cope or help someone that is suffering mental illnesses.

Behind the walls of the mind

Behind the walls of the mind stands a very complex issue that is in constant study. We have people of all sorts, including mentally ill, so-called normal minds, geniuses and so forth. The mind has been known to play tricks on us, let us down, skip to another level and so forth. It seems with the battle between the brain and self there is never a winning ticket. The truth is the mind holds the key to all areas of your body, but the central nervous system is the channel to the brain. In most instances if the brain is affected is a direct result of the central nervous system and spinal column. If the spinal column is out of line or injured then it will affect the nervous system, which works its way toward the brain. Once the brain is hit, the troubles begin and often do not quite until someone finds out the source of the problem. There are many people today suffering from head injuries, disorders, cognitive disorders, diseases of the mind, and so on. The problems increase as the years go by. In my research, studies, case studies, and so forth I found that people that visited Chiropractors were often healthier than those that did not. When a doctor focuses on the spine, which is a direct link to the brain, results often occur. Scientists are often searching for solutions to understand the different mental illnesses, diseases and physical impairments. They often run in every direction and sometimes the answer is lying in front of them. The problem is everyone has opinions, theories, and guesses and many of them are ignoring the voices that call out with expertise and experience. Recently there were major controversial issues regarding Medicaid and Chiropractor services. For a short time, the Chiropractors were not qualified to take Medicaid Patients, yet many doctors has treated some of the same people and found no answer to fix the many problems. While most people believe that Chiropractors work only with the physical portion of the body, they fail to see that these experts also work with the minds everyday. Let’s examine ADHD/ADD patients. In most instances, a part of the nervous system, spine and brain is the leading cause of the symptoms of this diagnose. Most mental health experts will offer the patients drugs, which only covers the symptoms and is often causing other problems including, psychosis, and schizophrenia symptoms. The MIND…Now if these people were treating the mind without drugs, and using natural herbs and spinal practices, what would happen? First, there would be no schizophrenia and psychosis induced patients or at least it would be minimal. Let’s look at Bipolar. The patient is often suffering as a direct result of Chemical Imbalances and most mental health experts will place the patient on antidepressants, which leads to strokes, heart problems, early-induced changes of life and so forth. If a specialist that knows the spine, nervous system and the brain treated the patients, what would happen? I personally know a woman diagnosed with Bipolar and she has sought out Chiropractic support and is doing great overall, with the exception of her bad habits that she has illustrated for more than 20 years. On the other hand, I know another bipolar patient that had no Chiropractic services and she is a woman you want to stay clear of. She called me 18 times per day, threatened to commit suicide, and drove me absolutely nuts. I am still in recovery. Personally, I went to psychologist, psychiatrists, therapists and doctors complaining of symptoms that they thought were linked to mental illness. After visiting a Chiropractor, the symptoms decreased and I was able to cope. Now, I am not promoting anything here, but to understand the mind you must consider the spine, central nervous system, brain and many other factors before coming to any conclusions. Some counselors will diagnose you as soon as you walk in the door; this is a bad deal since many often play against a life in order to find an answer. Once the professional sees that there diagnose is off balance, they often move onto another diagnose and unfortunately this goes on and on, and too many times patients suffer at great lengths.

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Monday 30 April 2012

Choices in Social Personality Development

There are various ways to establish your identity and social skills. One of your choices is to build your motivation so to have backbone to carry through the process of social and personality development. When the body and mind is stressed, it causes one to lose control and sight of his intentions to discover his identity. When you will notice that, you have developed a backbone it will lighten the load. Accordingly, you will develop confidence and self- control, which are the chief components for the self- development. 

By discovering methods that will provide and build positive energy, you can smoothly work through social and personality development. Sometimes to reduce stress and build energy we have to do something that we enjoy. Perhaps listening to favorite tunes will relax your mind. Do whatever it takes to encourage the body and mind to relax. Don’t get too relaxed, since you don’t want to move into a lazy mode. 

Laziness only robs you of identifying self and developing healthy social skills. Apart from developing strong discipline, it is also necessary to build self-awareness so as to have self-control over body and mind. We all need to build these innate qualities to manage the emotional responses that could lead us to disaster. One example of emotional response that holds people back is seen in the following sentence. Think of a time that you were discussing something with a friend or family member and you didn’t want to hear what they had to say. What was your response? You likely were emotionally charged. Did you act out in anger? Did you feel threatened and just suppressed your feelings? 

Keep thinking. Most of us, unless we are severely emotionally disassociated has acted out in some way that we regret later. Even though a person is severely emotionally disassociated, this person will still express emotions. Our response is what determines the consequences that will be charged of for responding in such a way. 

We need to develop self-awareness, as it is relevant to social and personality development. This is because loses sight of his own inner self and emotions, he cannot develop his entire human being. Self-alertness must be achieved by having an affirmative outlook towards life. It will help you take control of your emotions in almost every instance. 

In accord, the key to establish self-control is to gain knowledge of your weaknesses and strengths. This will assist you with social and personality development, which you will establish a higher quality results. Self-Control is essentially important to establish a distinct identity of the self. 

We all have inner strengths that help us to take control of our life. We also have choices, which enable us to decide what is best for our personal self. These choices are swayed by influences however, so we must develop self-awareness, control and self-discipline to make sure that influences will not deter our course in social and personality development. 

To check your weaknesses you can conduct a self-analysis. By examining the self, you will learn something new about you while developing new ideas. It will help you figure out what you must do to identify the self and cultivate your social skills. You want to climb that social ladder now, since the future is pushing all of us to strive toward complete development in order to maintain. 

The world is pushing us toward materials, so we must stay on track by constantly analyzing the inner self to make new discoveries. The new findings will direct you along the road that you must take in order to establish social and personality development. You have the power with in you to strengthen your weaknesses. Now is the time to get moving, since no man, woman or child knows what the future has in store.

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    Wednesday 25 April 2012

    Development thru Visualization and Affirmation

    Aim for Development thru Visualization and Affirmation 

    Aiming for development thru visualization and affirmation will ensure that you reach your goals with each step you take. In fact, visualization and affirmation can help develop skills that you can use to accomplish anything you set your mind to. You have the inner strength to move into the future, seeking a better tomorrow, so why not start visualizing what you can accomplish today. 

    It makes no sense to let our inner strengths go to waste. Sorry to say, but many people tend to let this happen. Many people sit on the settee watching soaps, drinking cocktails, eating popcorn and wasting priceless time. They could be out in the authentic world getting their groove on through exercise, goal affirmation, diet, self-development and visualization. 

    By learning the skills and practice to reach your goals, while relieving stress through meditation, one can center their attention on a brand new tomorrow. Meditating and focusing enables you to feel like the person you want to be. Success will come easier as you commence to make better decisions and smile more often. Make every effort to let stress go and to put action behind your goals. In fact, the bible tells us not to worry about the anxieties of the world. By letting the worries go, one can keep a mental image in your mind and on the future ahead. Of course, we all need to stay in the here and now, but it never hurts to visualize yourself looking into the future with a gold mine of achievement waiting at your entrance way. 

    In spite of everything, it takes you to make it happen. You want to tap into those inner strengths and find your weaknesses so that you can develop skills that help you to grow strong and healthy. Use your visualization by drawing mental pictures in your mind. Put yourself anywhere you want to be and then put forth some action to make it happen. 

    When a person can smile, they are showing their confidence to others. Most people will greet you with a smile. With constructive thinking, you will intensify your self-confidence for building energy through development in self-healing.  

    Life is too short to keep putting off self-development. As an alternative, take action today and use your visualization skills and affirmation abilities. You can visit the Internet to find ways to advance your skills, but it takes you to put forth the effort. Apply yourself today and live on cloud nine for tomorrow. 

    Meditation is one of the ways to working toward a positive tomorrow. Use meditation as a guide to help you conjure up mental images in your mind so that you can visualize yourself in a brighter future. Meditation is easy. If you syndicate or merge some of the newest Neurofeedback solutions to develop your meditative aptitude. You can improve your visualization and affirmation skills simultaneously as the Neurofeedback music and positive voice clears your mind, thus relaxing you for meditation. 

    Yoga is another great exercise that builds strength of mind and body. You can visit the global PC network to learn the steps for a healthier you. With yoga, you want to start out on a low scale and work your way up the hierarchy. When you stay on track, it keeps you listening carefully, paying attention to your inner needs. 

    Subliminal learning is another technique that could take a long time to work you from beginning to end self-development, but believe me; it is worth the time and effort you put into it. Aim for self-development through affirmation and visualization.

    Choices in Development thru Affirmation and Visualization 

    We all have to make choices in life. The problem is many people fail to think through problems in order to find the best solutions to resolve the issues. We must follow the critical thinking procedures that allow us to think through each problem we face. It builds our decision-making abilities. We can use the critical thinking process to solve problems, yet to make good decisions we must give additional forethought. We can use visualization to analyze the problem solving ability. 

    Making choices allows one to apply the model of solving problems. To become an effective decision-maker, use your critical thinking throughout the procedure and find the best choice. Evaluate your choices to consider, which solution is best used to solve your problems. Give some forethought to your choice before acting, since some issues we face takes longer time to resolve than other problems. You want to give much forethought while considering the new ideas your mind creates from your knowledge learned in the past. When you affirm and visualize that you have an active plan, execute the plan without hesitating. 

    It makes no sense to build a soundproof plan without putting the balls in motion. To make good decisions, consider the cause of each problem first. Once you find the cause, move to discover the effects. Weigh out the pros and cons to come across the best solution. Continue evaluating to find the pros and cons and the best solutions. Repeat the same steps until you feel confident that you have the best answer. Next, evaluate your solution. Weigh out the pros and cons again while evaluating the selected solution. 

    By repeating this procedure each time you need to make decisions, you can become a better decision-maker. Recollect that your decision is the eventual choice that you make, which produces positive results, or negative conclusions. The end verdict will decide the road that you will take. 

    For this reason, it is essential that we visualize our self-solving problems and making good decisions by analyzing the information our mind stores. Of course, you will make mistakes while you are building critical thinking and decision-making abilities, but you learn from your mistakes. Do not let them tear you down. Unconstructive thinking leads you nowhere. More willingly, negative thinking will direct you on a road of pessimistic with many problems trailing behind you. In time, you can build up self-destructive behaviours’, habits, thoughts and so forth. The repeated cycle will continue, until you decide to use your affirmation and visualization to take your mind back to a positive direction. 

    Using your critical thinking at the same time as following the steps to make better decisions is the start of maturing the mind. We all have inner strengths and must discover the self by continuing through the process of self-development. One of the best ways to discover your strengths is by figuring out your weaknesses. We are encouraged to do this throughout the process of self-development. 

    One of the most effective techniques that can assist you with creating effective visuals and affirmations is through writing. When you write down your thoughts and feelings, it often helps you to stay focus while visualizing what you feel. You can effectively find answers to your problems as well through writing. It will build you decision-making skills the more your practice. Recall, that we all make choices in life. Our choice is the final decision that determines our results. If you want to have good results, then you must work to develop the inner self through visualization and affirmation. It will only make you stronger.

    Tuesday 24 April 2012

    Self Mastery and Tools

    We all need tools in order to work on developing self-mastery skills. By finding the right tools we need, it enables us to continue working ahead without worrying about all the interruptions. It gives us strength and power we need to strive toward a better tomorrow. 

    We have a wide selection of tools to use in order to build self-mastery skills. You can visit the World Wide Net to find these tools. Look in the natural arena online to find the best solutions that work for you. If you find that one tool does not work, try another one. Continue to try the tools until you find what works best for you. Never let up! 

    Letting up only sits you back. You want to continue progressing throughout the self-mastery stages. Remember that this progression involves self-development. We all struggle through the process of self-development. 

    For this reason, schools are holding meetings, while the Internet is posting all sorts of information to help people take control of their life. Be a part of this revolutionary change that should have been a part of our life throughout our existence on earth. It is our responsibility to work through self-development throughout our life. 

    Visiting the Internet is the best place to find self-help tips, guides, and more. The Internet puts you in touch with many solutions and tools. Many of the techniques available are free. You simply follow the instructions and work them in the comfort of your home. 

    Some of the products available cost some money, yet these products maybe useful for helping you to attain your goal. Check out the natural selection of products online. Today, many videos, CDs, DVDs, and other products are available to help people expand their self-mastery skills. Some of the dynamic products blend teaching, self-healing, and other techniques together to help you grow. 

    The systematic videos capture the essences of teachings that will help lighten the load and help you find your being. It helps you to attain self-mastery abilities. 

    Each product is a learning experience that requires of you to continue working each day to expand your skills. Letting up holds you back and you will have to start from the beginning the next time you want to reach your goals. Continuing each day through self-mastery is the ticket that pays your way into grander rewards and benefits. It brings you true happiness, motivation, and self-respect. 

    The articles online offer you useful solutions for self-mastery as well. Be sure to read the many articles available to you. Be sure to find the magical benefits of healing. Self-healing is part of the self-mastery process that you must complete as well. You want to clear your mind of any negative reasons that hold you back from success. Negative feelings and thoughts, such as doubt, fear, anger, hate, et cetera are the leading cause of failure. 

    Turn your failure inside out and let positive thinking take over your life. Staying positive will guide you to the next steps to take in self-mastery. You can use some of the latest Neurofeedback, or biofeedback programs to help you build positive thinking skills. Use these skills – always – and in your best interest. Try to avoid any negative stumpers in order to stay in control of your emotions, mental processing, and your behaviors. IT is the true way to find success. 

    Other tools you might find interesting are the Radionics. Some of the natural techniques available to you will put you in touch with you. You can use many tools to build a relationship with the self and continue growing.

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    Culture in Self Insight and Professional Growth

    How culture factors into self-insight and your ability to work toward

    Professional growth ----
    Values and norms across cultures play a part in how one takes the lead. Given that there are three types of leaders, i.e. the autocratic, democratic, and the Laissez-Faire, we must analyze the types and learn how cultures play into these affairs. Greece or Hellas cultures tend to take the lead by aggressively telling others what to do. They tend to have a need to make all the decisions and prefer to have others below them. Japan cultures however tend to follow in accord with some of the leaders in England and the USA. These leaders tend to require that the subordinates help make decisions, prepare, plan, and set goals. 

    Studies of Hong Kong, China, and USA leaders showed that the leaders in America only care about the level of productivity, while the Chinamen care about balance and harmony. Keep this point in mind. China leaders have a better chance at reaching the top and getting more positive results than the American Managers who only care about money and success. Managers in Hong Kong tend to express a balance concern of first: harmonization – two – productivity – Given that these leaders balance their managerial concerns, we see that Hong Kong has some striking similarities to USA and Chinese managers. That is that share common denominators, yet they handle things difference. 

    Leader’s personality plays into his ability to take the lead and how he takes that lead. Based on the 5-Factor structural mode, flourishing or thriving leaders tend to portray high-extroverted qualities, such as sociability, supremacy, status-oriented, energetic, companionability, meticulousness, and pleasurable. The capable leaders have a friendly attitude. This attitude makes them influential, energetic, likable, hard workers, thoughtful, and easy to approach. 

    If you are using self-insight to build, professional skills take some notes because you want to understand leader types to decide the type of leader you may become. The unproductive leaders tend to set a bad impression to others. More often than not, this leader is egotistical, dishonest, self-centered, thoughtless or unsympathetic, and loud-mouthed. This type of leader is best described on a, psychosomatic analytic scale, as someone with a narcissistic personality type. 

    Typically, the world sees this type as the narcissistic type or generalization. This is someone that often oversimplifies things. We can analyze these aspects by considering situational characteristics that play as influences against competence. 
    This is a ratio between unambiguous administration styles, enthusiasm level, employees’ potentials, and scope of responsibilities mandatory to use self-sufficiency, resourcefulness, and the leader’s position within the chain of command. Produced-pressure and organization styles, as well as the scope of opposition taking place in the natural environment also factor into this reading. Virtuous or Honorable leaders tend to adapt to the circumstances. In other words, when task requires a different personality type, the leader will take on this role. Good leaders know when the best time to take action is, and will adjust accordingly. 

    When you use self-insight to create a good leader, keep in mind that styles matter, yet your way of adapting to various circumstances is what decides on the degree of professional growth you have acquired. Some people take many steps to reach the professional growth phase. Some people use meditation, self-talk, yoga, physical exercise, and other natural techniques to assist them with personal and professional growth. When you desire to be a true leader, implore to become someone that can take the lead, yet give others the room to take the lead too. Find your way by researching online.